A limper in poker is someone who calls preflop raises with weak hands. A good player will be able to isolate a limper and take pots from them. A player who open limps often is likely to make mistakes postflop. This makes them easier to target with aggression.
Many players are of the opinion that you should never limp or at least hardly ever limp in poker. They argue that limping encourages bad beats and shows that you’re a weak player. While it is true that limping can lead to bad beats, there are also a number of situations where it is profitable to limp.
One situation where it is sometimes profitable to limp is when you have a strong hand but there are multiple opponents who also want to see the flop. For example, you could have pocket fives and there are two limps in front of you. If you raise, the players in the blinds will likely fold and push out the other limpers. However, if you limp in, it makes it much harder for the other players to shut you out of the pot.
Another situation where it is often profitable to limp is when you have a big pair and are in late position against players who are tight. They may believe that they are playing well and that you should not play your big hands so early. This can make them reluctant to call your river bets with a big hand.
The best way to combat this type of opponent is to raise preflop against them with a broadway type of hand or a pocket pair. This will put them in a much better position to win the pot at showdown. It will also force them to fold or call with their mediocre hands.
You can also use the concept of capped ranges when targeting a limper. A capped range is a range of hands that a player thinks are strong enough to raise with. This includes hands like ace-jack, king-queen, and king-ten.
Some players will try to tell you that there are no good reasons to ever limp, and this is certainly true in some cases. However, the game is not always easy to play and the best players can often think their way out of tricky situations.
The next time you are in a cash game, give limping a try. You might be surprised at how profitable it can be. If you’re not convinced, stick with it for a few sessions and see how you do. You’ll soon be a better player for it. Good luck! And as always, please be sure to share this article with your friends. Thanks for reading.